Thursday 31 January 2013

New blog once more.

Hello friends,How are you?

It's been YEARS since I last do anything to my Dead Blog.I feel ashamed of

Ok enough of this.Here's the real news.I'm going to start a new blog(which is why you're here right?). I'm still figuring out what I should do with this,honestly.It could be an anime review blog or a toy review blog or my daily life(for those who likes to stalk people) or it could be 3 of them.WHO KNOWS?

I might suck at doing anime review,But I have this urge to do it.Anime has grown on me and I'm starting to watch anime in a new perspective to see if the anime I watched is good or bad or down right dumb and moe moe kyun,doing nothing but having tea party like some anime Cough*K-on Cough*.

Anyway I'll try my best to keep this blog alive.So,will you excuse me,I have anime to watch.Have a great day.

See ya!

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